Have you ever talked with a crystal? Have you listened to its unique vibrations, its history? Have you sung it soothing melodies and offered words of love and reverence? Establishing a connection with the natural world and all its elements is a profound act of healing. In a time when modern society is increasingly detached from nature, the call of Mother Earth grows louder. It is a resilient call, filled with a sense of loss for a world that has been neglected. The more we distance ourselves by treading on concrete, the further our souls drift from their inherent connection to the natural order. I aim to guide you in cultivating a relationship with crystals and tapping into the healing energies of our planet.
Every crystal holds a specialized healing power of its own. The most important thing is to respect the wishes of each crystal. Try to get in a relaxed state, take a few deep breaths and sit in front of the crystal(s) you want to work with. Say hello to your crystal, tell them that you would like to work with them symbiotically, ask for their permission, and send them some love. Ask the crystal what it likes, and especially where it likes. Notice any feelings arising in your body such as hot, cold, tingly, etc. You may see visions of water, a certain destination, sunlight, etc. Don't feel too much pressure acclimating to each crystals energy, sometimes it takes a while to get to know them and for them to get to know you. The best thing you can do is give them attention and love every day.
Each crystal has different likes and dislikes. They share affinity towards the sun, the four elements, and salt. Listen to your crystals, and you will know if they need some water, or to go out in the sun for a while. Some will want to take a bath or for you to simply hold them. Remember, crystals are like a sponge, they pick up energy over time, which needs to be cleaned. If you don't regularly clean your crystals, they will lose their potency. The best way to maintain the acuity is to work with the four elements. Take the crystals out in nature at least once or twice a month and find a spot where you have fire, water, air, and land. Face the south, and call out to the fire element - grandfather fire - and thank him for everything he does. Ask him to bless the crystals with purity and transformation, then wave the crystal over the fire; Face the west, call out to the water element, and thank her for everything she does. Ask her to clean the crystals of all negative energies, revitalize, and bless them with flow and peace, as you pass the crystals through the water; Face the north, and call out to mother earth, thanking her for everything she does. Ask her to bless the crystals with protection strength, and grounding. For the earth element, you can either put some dirt on them or bury them for a few hours or days; Face the east, and call out to the air element. Thank him for everything he does and ask him to bless the crystal with flexibility, wisdom, and divinity. Hold the crystals up in the air and let it touch the air.
Along with cleaning crystals, you have the ability to store any energy inside them too. It is true that all crystals have different powers, but it is also true that crystals can have wisdom put into them. Choose a crystal that resembles, for example, love. Take the crystal and state your intention to put into it (eg. this crystal will hold forgiveness, compassion, and remind me to love myself). Focus your mind on the intention, and put the crystal to your heart, imagining the intention flowing into it. Then, blow your intention into the crystal. You may infuse any energy into any crystal, but remember, some crystals are better at holding certain energy than others. Rose quartz is better at holding love than black tourmaline is, for example.
Every shaman has a mesa, or a medicine bundle, which contains everything they will need to conduct a healing ceremony, all from the earth. Having protections and tools you can use to boost your energetic vibrations is essential to living a balanced life. You may need some help getting your shamanic tool kit started, and knowing what may be right for you. Take my class on power objects and plants and I will teach you everything there is to know about the healing tools of mother nature.